Monday, 8 December 2014

Transcribing Audio

Following our first day of filming, Jamie and I decided that we should split the transcribing task among the whole group for the sake of getting it done quicker. I took the overall duration of the recordings and split it between us, and after sharing the files with the group we each transcribed our own section.

As part of the post-production schedule I arranged with Elliot, I said that we needed all the transcriptions in by the end of the weekend. This way we could come up with follow-up questions and identify cutaways to shoot when we revisit Ralph.

Over the weekend I contacted Ralph and arranged to film again on Thursday morning from 10-1pm. I explained our situation, that we will be shooting primarily cutaways around his house but also that we'd like to ask him a few more questions following on from what we covered last week. I will meet arrange a meeting with my group on Wednesday to finalize our plans for shooting, book equipment and outline a rough schedule for the day. 

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